Recall FRCP 83(b), authorizing each judge to create procedural rules for practice in her courtroom, within (and consistent with) the FRCP and the rules of the district.
Six Judges on the District of Colorado adopted a joint set of Uniform Civil Practice Standards for their courtrooms. One of them, Judge Kato Crews, is presiding over a lawsuit challenging the Mountain West Conference's policy allowing trans women to participate in women's sports (there was a big controversy last season about a volleyball player at Colorado State). Plaintiffs have moved to recuse Judge Crews, arguing that his adoption of these courtroom policies reflects bias and prejudgment on the issues. (Update: Judge Crews refused to recuse or to rescind the policy).
At the same time, plaintiffs challenging programs to benefit historically underrepresented groups (such as corporate pipeline programs or minority-investment programs) have had more success recusing judges over policies encouraging courtroom participation by less-experienced attorneys, especially women and historically disadvantaged groups.
The moral: Do not assume that the local and courtroom rules enacted under FRCP 83 are anodyne or blandly apolitical. Sometimes they have a substantive effect.