Three entries in the "real world examples of what we do in class:"
1) The comments from this federal judge are of a piece with the "have lunch together and cut the crap" order I posted at the beginning of the semester. The rules offer a lot of tools in the litigation process and they can be used for good or evil, the right way or the wrong way. Zealous advocacy on behalf of your client's interests is not the same as scorched-earth advocacy on behalf of your client; in fact, sometimes the latter undermines the former.
2) The Complaint in a new shareholder suit against Target over its pro-LGBT+ sales, the subsequent boycott, and the loss of shareholder value. Again, will be subject to § 78u-4.
3) The Complaint in a lawsuit against the Ivy League seeking an injunction ordering it to strip a trans woman of women's swimming titles and records and rewrite the record books to declare other swimmers as the winners. Presumably the athlete at the center of this will intervene under FRCP 24(a) if she does not believe the Ivy League or its schools will represent her interest. Also a good example of pleading as press release; how you feel about the rhetoric, tone, and writing style will depend on how you feel about the underlying merits of the case. But let that be a writing tip: If your style and word choice will only convince those who already agree with you, choose another writing style.